
Creating a network of schools, museums and training organizations for the promotion of scientific and technical skills, in formal and informal educational settings.

The project offers training courses carried out in three Training Schools in Italy (Milano, Pisa and Palermo) for teachers and professionals to acquire digital competences. The objective is  to activate laboratory courses on educational robotics, in primary and secondary schools.

The Fab Lab organized training courses for museum educators and internship in museums of Arte Sacra (Buonconvento), Mezzadria (Buonconvento), Musei per i Bambini-Santa Maria della Scala (Siena), Museo della Scienza di Perugia.

The project organised the Robotics Festival, an interactive exhibition of students projects, dissemination events, research and design activities.

The ultimate goal is to create a Blended Learning Model and  guidelines for the design, running and evaluation of laboratory activities using educational robotics.


2018 – 2019


Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca


Sant’Anna di Pisa


Istituto di BioRobotica della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, CNR (Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche di Palermo), Università degli Studi di Palermo, MetaIntelligenze Onlus, PalermoScienza, Rete Nazionale di Scuole per la Robocup Junior Italia.

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